Pamplona, Cataluna Region, Spain

On July 13, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Nick

Yesterday I arrived to Pamplona around 8:00 P.M. I went from the train station to the hotel. I went to bed very early because the front office clerk recommended to go downtown around 6:00 A.M for the “Running with the Bulls” event.

Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

Actually the event starts at 8:00 A.M. with the sound of fireworks; however, it was so crowded that you need to be early to have a good spot. If you get there very early, you can see the bulls in front; if you get there kind of late (like me), then they can only hear the bells and the feet of the bulls. If you are not cheap, you can lease a balcony with starting prices at 50 Euros. The streets are very narrow so the only ones in the streets are the bulls and the crazy people running with them; there are very few spots where people can watch the bulls running (just at streets intersections).

Narrow streets in Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

Narrow streets in Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

It is very exciting to hear the fireworks at 8:00 A.M. Starting time, you just hear all that people screaming and then, the next thing that you see, is a bunch of people running, a moment later, you hear the bells of the bulls. At last, you hear the feet of the humongous bulls running, and it is the time when the bulls are in front of you.

Running of the bulls in Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

Running of the bulls in Pamplona, Basque Region, Spain

The event is very short (no more than 3 minutes), but they are very exciting!


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